Rubbing Not Required For Friction Blisters, Here's Why
Some people can’t get past the mistaken/flawed idea that blisters are caused by rubbing. It's understandable. But here's what's wrong with the rubbing theory.

Running Blisters Are A Common Injury [Research]
Would you believe me if I told you running blisters are actually THE most common injury in running? Here's the research to prove it.

Big Toe Blisters With Football [Case Study]
Here's a conversation I had with Ray. His daughter Sharni has been getting big toe blisters with football for 4 years. Now... problem solved!

Rebecca, Can You Help Me With My Blister?
Lots of people get in touch, asking if I can help with their blisters. Of course, I can. I'm very happy to. Here's what we need to know.

Are blisters inevitable? Sure, they're common. But that doesn't mean they're inevitable. A simple shift in focus away from heat, moisture & friction is needed.

Do Antiperspirants Prevent Blisters?
Antiperspirants have an intuitive effect on blisters by reducing sweat and therefore friction levels. But does research demonstrate antiperspirants prevent blisters?

Full-Shoe Gaiters In Ultramarathon
This article looks at styles and brands of running gaiters, particularly for ultramarathon, including which one's protect against maceration.